We've added many new features on our website to further improve our user experience. Explore the features on our configurator, shopping cart and ADLINK product pages.

Blog | DiGiCOR Website Updates Feb 2021

February 18th 2021




DiGiCOR Website Updates

We've updated many features on our website, from our configurator, shopping cart and IoT & Embedded ADLINK product pages, to better the experience for you, our users.  

For our configurator, we have made it even simpler for you to configure a system and for you to request and access a quotation for us. 

In our shopping cart, we've added useful features for your convenience. This includes a 'Reconfigure button',
'Save For Later'
, and 'Request to Multiple Quotes'

Interested in IoT & Embedded technology? We've upgraded the way our product pages look, in addition to adding more useful information for you to evaluate. 


Configurator Updates


Error Messages


We made our configurator error messages easier to understand, with additional    steps to help you get you back on track with our help box. 


Radio Button


We introduced a Radio button feature to some of our sections such Processors and Memory. This makes it easier for you to work with our configurator!


Brought Back
'Request A Quote' 



Due to popular demand, we brought back our 'Request a Quote' button! This makes it easier for those using our configurator to access a quote. 


Shopping Cart Updates

Reconfigure the systems in your Shopping Cart with the touch of a button, with the ability to save them for later quotation. 

You now have the ability to Request Multiple Quotes, making it easier for users to separate systems into separate quotations and invoices, for more organised documentation. 


IoT & Embedded ADLINK Updates

Get to know more about IoT & Embedded solutions in one place! 

We've added key features to all our ADLINK products, to help highlight the main technology and specifications within these IoT & Embedded solutions.In addition, we've added datasheets for our users to freely download and access to provide further information, use case and benefits of each product. 


Our Configurator

The DiGiCOR Configurator is live and accessible on https://digicor.com.au and https://digicor.co.nz. You can browse  and configure a wide range of servers, storage, and workstations and submit your request for an official quotation via our website.
